Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life in Old England.

Were there really knights and ladies? Yes, there were. This is The Black Prince who fought for the freedom of his country and lost his life in a battle. I believe this is his real armor.
Here is another monument to a knight who fought for his land and people. It is in a cathedral.
Many people in the middle ages could not read. The churches had beautiful paintings and frescoes showing stories from the Bible. They were all painted over during the English Civil War, but some of them are carefully being restored.
Here is the center of one of the great cathedrals built very early in English history. How would you feel walking up an aisle like this? Like a little bug on the floor of a great big house?
This is a very early music manuscript. So those of you who play instruments can see how the music looked you would have been playing off way back then.
People, usually the religious people, because they learned to read and write, could write beautiful documents. These were written on the skins of animals. The writing is tiny and beautiful. We saw one of the four remaining copies of the Magna Carta, dating from before 1100 AD. We were not allowed to take any pictures because light destroys the copies. In it, King John (the selfish, evil prince in the Disney Robin Hood) had to give rights to the common people. It was the first time a king had to give up any rights to the people.
If you got into a fight or someone wanted to kill you, you could go to a cathedral and use this great big knocker. Then you could be safe there until your case went to court or you left the country to live someone else.
If you had lived at Old Wick Castle, this would have been the view out your windows. People had to defend themselves from Vikings, from the English soldiers, and from bands of robbers. This castle is protected on every side by deep gulleys.
The holes in the walls were where the floor boards were built into the castle. Old Wick is a tall, thin ruin on a point of land that sticks out into the North Sea.
This is the view of the other side of Old Wick Castle. When the tide is in, the castle is well protected by water and by cliffs. It would have been a safe place to live. Later the family moved into a new castle and this one was left just the way it was.
The Romans taught the British and Scots how to build beautiful arched bridges. This one still holds up a road. The towns all had walls around them and gates that closed at night. This is part of a city wall.
The very old town of Norwich was built on mounds of earth built up to protect the people. There were walls of earth and later of stone all around so that their knights and fighters could protect their families from the enemies who wanted to kill them and take away whatever they had. This was a hard time to live in.

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