Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stonehenge is also Neolithic.

This is the Salisbury Plain in Southern England. Stonehenge is the most famous of the mounds and rocks there, but there are many others. Scientists think the mounds were built first and the stones added later, but nobody is sure. The whole plain is dotted with mounds.
I am going to take you on a walking tour around Stonehenge. I left people in some of these pictures so you can see how huge the stones actually are. The stones are some distance behind the people, so the people are actually smaller and the stones bigger.
Stonehenge was a complete circle with stones over the top, which would have made a ring. It is amazing that so many of the top stones are still up.
There are flat stones in the area, too. Some are top stones that have fallen. There was a ring of smaller stones around the outside, too. The stones are set so that the months and seasons can be read by the position of the rising sun through the archways and where the shadows fall.
See the small guide stones through the center space? There was a whole aisle of these to lead people to the circle. Now people are allowed in the circle only a couple of times a year for religious purposes. This way it keeps out people who would try to knock down the stones just for the fun of it. Those people are called vandals. No smart person wants to vandalize such an important place.
There are several different types of stone used in Stonehenge. These large stones were cut from a quarry a long way away. Scientists are still trying to figure out how the stones were moved. The ring of smaller stones came from a place much closer.
Look how carefully fitted the flat top stones are when they are in place. You could hardly put a pocket knife into the crack.
We are walking around the circle and seeing it from the opposite side of the one where we came in. Look at the background and see other stones far away.
The tall stone with the knob on the top is in front of what they think is an altar for prayers and sacrifices. They do not think these people did human sacrifices. All ancient peoples did animal sacrifices to God, much like the Hebrews did in the Old Testament.
Notice the long section of stone ring, which shows up very well from this angle.
Now I am standing on the other side behind the section of ring in the last picture.
We were here on an overcast day, so there are no long shadows. The short, squatty stone in front is one of the outer ring of marker stones. There was also a deep ditch all around Stonehenge, which shows up clearly in this picture.
There were once a pair of "leaning stones" marking the path to Stonehenge. This one is still in place. Imagine trying to put up a stone like this and keep it from falling down! It must be dug very deeply into the ground.
You can imagine how the ring looked when it was all up, thousands of years ago. These people were amazing in their science. They did not leave writings, so we do not know how they did it, but their measurements, knowledge of astronomy, of stoneworking, and of nature, remain a marvel to us all.

Stonehenge is a very busy place and popular for tourists. Look in the gap between the stones and see a far distant stone linine up with the space. Imagine the sun coming up right there and sending rays of light right between the stones. Then everyone would know, for example, that the frosts were over and that it was safe to plant crops. Stonehenge was a calendar that never had to be change, could not be lost or stolen, and would give them knowledge they needed.

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